Facebook Grants Plea of Dad to See His Dead Son's Look Back Video

This is a heartwarming story you shouldn't miss.

After a seemingly impossible plea of John Berlin  went viral online, Facebook contacted him and granted his request to see a one minute Look back video of his son who passed away in 2012.

The emotional dad from Missouri, USA posted the video on YouTube and Facebook last Wednesday. "You ever do something crazy because you just don't know what to do anymore? Well, that's what I'm doing right now. I'm calling out to Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook. You've been putting out these new movies, these one-minute movies that everyone's been sharing. Well, my son passed away ... and we can't access his Facebook account. I've tried e-mailing, and different things, but it ain't working. All we want to do is see his movie."I know it's a shot in the dark, but I don't care. I want to see my son's video. His name's Jesse Berlin. So please help me."

Late that night, a Facebook representative called and told him they will make a personalized Look back video for Jesse. Now Berlin is planning to share it online as a tribute to his late son. He thanked everyone who shared his video appeal."I didn’t know what to expect from this but it was worth a try,’ he said.
‘My son was 21 and died of natural causes, his autopsy came back undetermined. He is proof that there are no guarantees in life. Hug your children, kiss them.‘Tell them you love them every single day."


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