CNN Comment Uplifts Filipinos Amidst Typhoon Turmoil

A positive comment from a reader of CNN news on how Filipinos dealt the rampage of the strongest typhoon to ever hit the Philippines has added to the spirit of resiliency of the Filipinos as a whole.

The comment that was praised by many netizens was posted by a certain ‘dudesk001’ on CNN article regarding the massive destruction that typhoon Yolanda left to the Filipinos. He commended the Filipinos are “unbelievably resilient…The indomitable human spirit at its finest.” 

Here’s the full comment:

Time to get to know the hardy Filipino people...unbelievably resilient, long suffering, good natured, uber friendly, loyal, ingenius, and a bunch of survivors.

At the end of the day the Filipinos will just shake off the dirt from their clothes and thongs and go about their business...and SMILE. They do not complain much, they will bear as long as they can.
Maybe this is why they were given the "privilege" of bearing the burden of the strongest typhoon ever recorded.

The indomitable human spirit at its finest.

This profound statement from an ordinary and observing person has certainly lift up the spirit of every Filipino around the world and most especially to those people who are directly affected and devastated by typhoon. 

Let’s share these simple and yet very powerful words.  


  1. there's spelling errors on this... is this really from CNN?

  2. Read the first sentence again. :)

  3. Pinoy din ang gumawa niyan... hahaha
